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Essay about My Academic Record


To make the picture of my academic record complete, I would like to explain the background of my college studies in the US. Arriving in a new country with a strikingly different culture, I felt extremely homesick during the first semester. I remember feeling dismayed and lost in the world where I hardly knew anyone. I also had to apply a lot of effort in order to adjust psychologically and culturally, to learn to understand people and make new friends. This distraction was reflected in my academic progress since in the first semester my GPA was only 2.8.

However, this did not discourage me from pushing further with my courses. Just the other way around, I braced myself up and reminded myself that I had come to succeed, not to fail. With time, cultural problems were overcome; I got adjusted to a new way of life and began to feel that I like my new experience. These two things happened parallel to each other: as I pushed myself to feel positive about things, I began to adapt better to cultural differences, and this helped me to put more heart into studying. In this way, getting back into the study mood, I quickly caught up with peers and finished the last semester with a GPA of 4.0. I believe that this story not only reveals my academic potential, but also demonstrates that I have the will power to overcome difficulties. It also shows the reasons for my self-confidence, because it helped me to realize that I can achieve a lot in education and career.

I am also eager to help others to make achievements that are up to their potential. I still remember the fear with which I came to the new school and the difficulty of moving to a different country. This makes me eager to help those who are now in the same stage of dismay and confusion. The desire to help these people motivated me to become orientation leader, making this activity very meaningful to me personally. My burning desire to help new students make a good start also fills my appointments as secretary in the international club and the international representative with profound meaning. It is also a challenging job because I have to recognise the needs of other students and speak on their behalf in the student government association. That is why I spend a lot of time on this activity, willing to do my best for others. More often than not, I see that my recommendations and initiatives really work, and this makes me proud of the courage to launch them. Willingness to help others is also demonstrated by my involvement in tutoring my peers, the nomination granted to me by me nutrition professor. In this role, I can share what I have learned myself with those who are only trying to grasp all the complex points of the subject and thus make their college experience easier and more enjoyable. All these activities directed at helping others leave me with a feeling of self-confidence and delight.
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