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My Life Story College Essay


The death of my father is one of the saddest stories in my life. Honestly, even though he has been absent for the past ten years, I struggle to accept he left. The unfortunate part is that as a young man, I have always needed someone I could connect and share my experiences and be mentored, as a man. See, even though my mother was always there for me, I still needed, a man, who I would proudly call dad every day I got home. Nonetheless, mum played the role of both mum and dad for both my other three siblings and me. In most circumstances, a firstborn child is expected to be a leader (Greenwood, 2018). Many times, situations forced me to have high intelligence and emotional quotient, since, in mum’s absentia, I assumed the role of both the parent and guardian.

Five years ago, mum lost her job as an accountant at the Oracle Center. Since she was the sole breadwinner, as the first born, I was forced to help her find ways of supporting our other siblings. By then, I was in high school, and over the weekends, I often would go and do manual jobs in the neighborhood so that the few dollars I got would help in buying food and other basic amenities for our family. Truthfully, I even thought I would never finish high school. Two years ago, in my final year in high school, I saw an advertisement on CNN about the Rockefeller Foundation, which wanted to sponsor needy students in the States. I wrote a letter to the Rockefeller Foundation requesting if they could sponsor our high school and college education and lucky enough, they accepted my request. Recently, mum was employed at John Hopkin Center. Even though our education is sponsored, she is always there to guide us. To us, even in dad’s absentia, she is the pillar and source of our joy. I hope that my story and struggles can inspire many young Americans, who have lost either one or both of their parents.

Greenwood, C. (2018). How your place in family birth order could affect your success in life. Independent, Retrieved from www.independent.co.uk/life-style/siblings-birth-order-personality-youngest-eldest-first-born-middle-child-psychology-a8312541.html

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