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Term papers

Global Politics Term Paper

1. Introduction. The present term paper aims at analyzing global issues and challenges that now exist. Awareness is a necessary prerequisite to understanding. In today’s world, everyone must have a degree of literacy regarding the global problems, issues, concerns, and trends that increasingly impact our lives. Global literacy entails reasonable familiarity with global issues that…Read More

Patriarchy Term Paper

Introduction Patriarchy is one of the oldest foundations of family life that has supported the functioning of families for centuries. Patriarchy is broadly defined as “the sociological condition where male members of a society tend to predominate in positions of power” (Wikipedia, 2006). Max Weber defines patriarchy in the following way: the authority of the…Read More

China Term Paper

The People’s Republic of China is the biggest and the most powerful state in Asia, which impresses by dynamic development and diversity. The phenomenon of China’s economic success today is based on its culture, history, and traditions preserved for centuries and which gave a chance for such tremendous development of Chinese nation today. Even today,…Read More

Philosophy Term Paper on Egoism

Introduction Psychological egoism is the belief that all people in their actions are guided only by self-interest. People always pursue their own pleasure, and not that of their ‘neighbors’ in the biblical sense. In this light, psychological egoism rules out altruism in people. In contrast, it claims everything that looks like altruism is in fact…Read More

Fetal Abuse Term Paper

Introduction The problem of drug abuse if one of the most serious social problems nowadays. People who use drugs spoil their lives and create a serious threat to the society. Drug use is a chronic progressive illness, which is characterized by impaired control over the drug use and preoccupation with drugs and its use despite…Read More

Term Paper on NGO

Introduction The World Bank defines non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) as “private organizations that pursue activities to relieve suffering, promote the interests of the poor, protect the environment, provide basic social services, or undertake community development” (Duke University, n.d.). A broader definition will refer to NGOs any organization that exists on voluntary contributions and private funds and…Read More

Art History Term Paper

Introduction Traditionally, art plays an extremely important role in the life of human society. Moreover, art was always a part of the life of human beings regardless the level of their social development, but at the same time, it should be said that the high level of cultural development coincided with its high socio-economic progress.…Read More

Term Paper: What is Philosophy?

For me, philosophy is not only a science but also the opportunity to find the answers to some fundamental questions of life. I think that it can give solutions for those who seek for them. At the same time, it can mix up thoughts for those who don’t have an opinion of their own and…Read More

Wrongful Conviction Term Paper

The problem of wrongful conviction is not new in judicial practice. It’s a well-known fact that the human factor in legal practice contributes most to the unlawful court decision and opinions, as sometimes it’s impossible to determine truth, especially in the cases with lack of evidence. Until recent times when there existed no technical and…Read More