Term Paper about Cash Management
Management Term Paper:
Cash management is one of the banking services which is aimed at the improvement of the work with clients and supply them with the opportunity to operate their finance better. There are many functions which are included into the process of cash management and the most important among them are: banking account management; market liquidity management; interest rate management; electronic banking; information services and card projects. Cash management is the important and useful service nowadays, because in the modern dynamic world it is impossible to survive without money and it is quite difficult to operate it appropriately. Modern banks carry out the policy of cash management with the intention to help clients operate their finance easier and faster. For example, with the help of various services like electronic banking it is easy and convenient to check the personal account and the quantity of money there, pay taxes, purchase various goods and services at any part of the world, convert the currency without any problems, etc.
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The number of services is really enormous and it increases constantly. The purpose of cash management is to make the client closer to the bank and provide him with the feeling of certain control and constant monitoring of the quality of the bank’s work. In addition, cash management helps banks cope with the increasing number of clients. Naturally, it will be impossible for the bank to serve to millions of clients all day round, so the option of cash management is the certain type of banking self-service which is supposed to increase the credit of the clients and the quality of the work of the bank.
Cash management is the useful topic for the analysis, because everyone should be aware about the structure and methodology of this process. A good cash management term paper is the profound investigation of the topic and explanation of the origin, role and aims of cash management. The student is supposed to reveal the process from all sides, present the full list of the cash management services and define their usefulness for an individual and prove that it really makes the life easier. Finally, one should compare several banks and their systems of cash management in order to define the strong and the weak sides of both.
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