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Term papers

Social Work Term Paper

This paper is aimed to analyze the necessity of Social Work Studies for the further employment in the social sphere. I want to analyze how my inner thoughts have changed during the period of time I attend studies in Social Work. I have changed as a person, the only explanation to these changes is one…Read More

Term Paper on Doppler Effect

Doppler Effect Term Paper: Doppler effect is the change of frequency and length of the waves registered by the receiver which depends on the move of their source or the move of the receiver. The effect was first noticed and explained by the Austrian scientist Christian Doppler in 1842. Doppler effect is easy for observation…Read More

Gerontology Term Paper

Term Paper on Gerontology: Gerontology is the science which studies biological, social and psychological aspects of aging of a human being, its reasons and the ways of defeating it (rejuvenation). The science appeared more than a century ago and in its core there is the study of geriatrics – the study about the diseases, which…Read More

Euthanasia Term Paper

Term Paper on Euthanasia: Euthanasia is the practice of the ending of life of a patient, who suffers from the disease which can not be cured and causes him enormous pain. The purpose of euthanasia is to bring relief to the patient and release him from suffering. The term ‘euthanasia’ is used in completely different…Read More

Evolution Term Paper

Term Paper on Evolution: Evolution is the natural process of the gradual development of nature, followed by the change of the genetic code of populations, formation of adaptations, formation, change, development and extinction of species and transformation of ecosystems and biosphere in the whole. Today there are several evolution theories which explain the mechanism which…Read More

Biochemistry Term Paper

Term Paper in Biochemistry: Biochemistry is the science about the chemical structure of the living organisms, their cells and the chemical processes which lie on the basis of their existence. The term biochemistry has been used since the beginning of the 19th century, but in the classical scientific meaning the term was introduced in the…Read More

Term Paper on Data Mining

Data Mining Term Paper: Data mining or intellectual data analysis is the term which means the complex of methods which are used for the identification of the earlier unknowns, non-trivial, practically useful and available for interpretation knowledge, which are necessary for the process of decision making in different spheres of human activity. The term was…Read More

Animal Farm Term Paper

Term Paper on Animal Farm: Animal Farm is a satirical fairy story written by George Orwell and published in 1945. The fairy story describes the long way of evolution of the character and mind of the animals, which were driven out of the farm of the strict master. With the run of time their mind…Read More

Term Paper on Autism

Autism Term Paper: Autism is the psychological disorder which occurs on the basis of the disorder of the development of the human brain and is characterized with the definite and profound deficit of social activity and communication. The disorder is also characterized with the limited circle of interests and constantly repeated actions. All the mentioned…Read More