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Computer Addiction Term Paper


Paper on Computer Addiction:

Computer addiction is the type of psychological addiction which is based on the uncontrolled desire of playing computer video games. The problem is becoming more and more relevant, because computers have become the integral part of the human everyday life. Naturally, even 15 years ago the problem did not exist, because the computers of that time did not possess such opportunities and power to provide people with the effective video games.

Today the situation is absolutely different, because computers have become powerful and it is possible to create beautiful and interesting video games which charm people with the natural picture and high-quality special effects. The most vulnerable targets of computer addiction are children and especially teenagers, who spend the bigger part of their day time in front of the computer playing various games.

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Every case of computer addiction starts from the playing the successful game and after that the person wants to find something similar and tries to play more and more games of this genre. There are several stages of computer addiction. The first one is not a serious one, because one is still able to do something else except of playing. The second stage is more serious, because the person becomes very nervous of being deprived of paying and of losing the experience and the chance to improve his skills. The final stage is characterized with the constant talks about the game, its scenario, actions and items. It is extremely difficult for people to find time to go in for another activity as the game becomes the centre of his life.

Computer addiction is the urgent problem of the modern society and what is more important – it is not a problem of just children but of grownups as well, because many grownup people who can not achieve success in their real life, try to gain it online in a video game. The student who has decided to prepare a good term paper about the problem should explain the cause and effect of computer addiction, enumerate the genres of games which can cause addiction and other psychological problems. It is easy for students to compose such a paper, because there is hardly a student who has never played a computer game and does not know about its risks, strong and weak sides.

There are many problems which can occur on the way of writing a term paper, especially when the student does not possess enough experience and knowledge on formatting and logical composition of the text. In this case a free example term paper on computer addiction will be at hand. The student can improve his chance on writing a top-quality assignment relying on a free sample term paper on computer addiction analyzed online.

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