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Term Paper on Autism


Term Paper:

Autism is the psychological disorder which occurs on the basis of the disorder of the development of the human brain and is characterized with the definite and profound deficit of social activity and communication. The disorder is also characterized with the limited circle of interests and constantly repeated actions. All the mentioned symptoms can be detected in the child by the age of three. The cause of autism is closely connected with genes and their mutations but frankly speaking the reason of these mutations is not known. Sometimes, there are cases when the child has the disorder already with its birth, but there are also theories what children gain the disorder under the effect of vaccination which causes the negatives impact of the child’s genes.

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Today it is known that every 88th child in the world suffers from autism and boy are 4 times more vulnerable to the disorder. Autism is characterized with the alterations of the certain parts of the human brain but it is not known how these alterations occur. The people who have autism are not eager to contact with the world around and they do not require communication. It is very difficult for a person with autism to have a normal independent life, because it is obvious that people can life only in the society. Some scientists claim, that autism is not a disorder, but a certain alternative condition which simply makes the person independent from the desire of communication and socialization. Very often the ability of concentration on the limited interests helps people with autism become successful in these spheres (for example, drawing).

The assignment about autism is quite a serious challenge for students, because they will have to study the disorder profoundly ad explain it from all sides. A student should collect reliable up-to-date information about the disorder if he wants to complete a successful autism term paper on time. One should describe the symptoms of the disorder, point out its cause and effect, share the methods which can cure it or reduce its effect with the professor. Students will have to analyze the nature of autism professionally and try to brainstorm the effective solutions to the problem of detection of the disorder and reduction of its impact on the patient.

It is obvious that writing a term paper on a psychological disorder can not be called an easy task, so students take advantage of the Internet and read free example term papers on autism there.

Every free sample term paper on autism is prepared by the experienced writer who is good at the topic, so one should borrow the writer’s experience and realize how to compose and format the paper correctly.

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