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Animated Film Analysis Essay


When Pixar Animation Studios and Walt Disney Pictures announced their collaboration to produce a film, many individuals were expecting a masterpiece that would change their views regarding animation films. In this regard, the use of Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) has become a common activity that influences the perspectives of individuals towards film production and development. Specifically, Ratatouille defied all odds and exposed individuals to a unique environment were Pixar recreated childhood experiences and involved adults in the final output. In this film, Remy is a rat that is interested in cooking. His curiosity is demonstrated when he engages garbage boy Linguini who spilled soup and attempted to correct the mistake. Contrary to popular opinion, rats destroy property in pursuit of their objectives, a move that affects perspectives of individuals towards the rodents. However, Remy is a different type of a rat that possesses human features and a caring personality that provokes the thought process of individuals as it enables viewers to interpret the producer’s desired outcome. The production of Ratatouille exposes individuals to a different environment where individuals can make mistakes and receive help from the least-expected parties.

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Remy is portrayed as an intelligent and humanly rat that observes mistakes and develops solutions that are benevolent to the human race. Before the audience interacts with Remy, the producer portrays the rodent as a dangerous animal that is about to ruin Linguini’s brief stint at the restaurant. However, the character increases the anticipation for the viewers and encourages them to follow the animation film to satisfy their curiosity. From this observation, it is evident that exaggeration is widely used in the film to expose the audience to a different world where human beings create problems that are solved by animals. In many instances, individuals expect animals to interfere with their space and cause trouble.

Nonetheless, Pixar portrays a different side of the rodents by using Remy as the main character who plays a significant role in changing the perspectives of individuals. When viewers watch Linguini receive help from Remy, they can only expect things to become worse than they were before he offered his assistance to the young chef. For this reason, Remy fulfills the objectives of animation films by recreating scenes that are believed to be abnormal and making them appear normal through human execution.

Following the narrative in Ratatouille, it is possible for the viewers to understand the challenges that exist when establishing relationships between humans and rodents. Since their interaction is strictly limited to that of enemies, it is impossible to imagine that a rat could cook because of the conditions of its habitat that violate health regulations. In this regard, when Linguini confesses to his staff that Remy guided him through the cooking process, they leave in disgust because of the effect of rodent activity in the kitchen. In a practical situation, it will be considered a health hazard to accommodate rats in a restaurant because of the health risks they pose to individuals. However, Linguini’s relationship with Remy is based on truth after the rodent helped him reclaim the restaurant as the rightful heir. In many animation films, the narrative defies conventional laws of human existence and move on to recreate unimaginable plots that provoke the thought process of individuals.

While Remy is ambitious to establish a healthy relationship with Linguini, he falls out with his clan because of his growing tendencies to favor humans. Importantly, the two groups view one another as enemies and are not interested in the process of establishing contact with either party because of the consequences that might accrue. However, Remy’s determination pushes him to execute a revenge mission after Linguini’s relationship with Colette affected their interactions. Even though Linguini chases Remy’s clan, he sincerely apologizes to the rodent for his miscalculations that pushed him away. Rather than seek Colette’s help, Linguini reaches out to Remy and admits that the restaurant was losing its dominance in the market because of his absence. Given their coordination and interaction that defines their relationship, Remy urges his clan members to reconsider their plan and help Linguini reclaim his position in the business environment. For this reason, the film succeeds in its attempts to set up an animation agenda that fulfills the interests of the viewers who anticipate a powerful connection between Linguini and Remy.

The production of Ratatouille exposes individuals to a different environment where individuals can make mistakes and receive help from the least-expected parties. From this observation, it is evident that the public deserves to understand the outcomes of events to recreate memories that interfere with their thought process. In various instances, film producers explore non-existent and impractical ideologies to challenge the viewers to embrace diversity. In this film, Remy is portrayed as a very resourceful rat that is willing to help human beings overcome their problems. Notably, he helps Linguini and Colette create a unique menu that differentiates their restaurant from others in the business environment. Through anticipation, the film captures the interests of the viewers by exposing them to a different climate where humans seek help from rats to gain a competitive edge over other industry players in the market.

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