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Term papers

Term Paper on Women’s Suffrage

Women’s Suffrage Term Paper: Women’s suffrage is the women’s right to take the active part in the elections, so that to elect and to be elected. Till the 19th century the issue of woman’s suffrage existed locally, because the level of the human rights was poor and the women’s rights were on the worse level.…Read More

Term Paper on Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson term paper: Thomas Jefferson is the outstanding personality who took the active place in the American Revolutionary War and one of the authors of the Declaration of Independence, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, the third President of the United States, an outstanding politician and philosopher of Enlightenment. Thomas Jefferson…Read More

Term Paper on Ultrasonic Waves

Ultrasonic waves are the waves which are produced beyond the level of the human ear perception. This means that the human ear, which perceives the sound waves lower than 20000 hertz, is unable to hear these ultrasonic waves, as they are higher than 20000 hertz. People learnt about ultrasonic waves long ago but they did…Read More

Term Paper on Web Security

Web Security term paper: Web security is the type of the computer security which is aimed at the protection of the networks and browsers and the private information of all the Internet users. Computer security is a very important sector but the web security requires more attention and efforts, because the whole information is stolen…Read More

Term Paper on Workforce Diversity

Workforce diversity is the practice of employment of the people of various cultural views, sexual orientation, race and religious views and physical abilities in order to give everyone the opportunity to receive job and reveal his potential. It is obvious that the world has been living in constant discrimination of the certain categories of people.…Read More

Term Paper on Vacuum Pump

Vacuum Pump term paper: A vacuum pump is the special device which serves for pumping the gases and steam to the required standard level of pressure (technical vacuum). The history of the development of the device is quite long and started in the 17th century when Torricelli first measured the atmospheric pressure in 1643. In…Read More

Term Paper on University Course Details

University course details are the pieces of information about the slightest details and requirements waiting for students on the course of their studying at a university. Naturally, the number of the details is very high, because the student is supposed to enter another step of his life starting his education at a university or simply…Read More

Term Paper on Tornadoes

Tornado Term Paper: A tornado is an atmospheric twister which occurs in the cumulonimbus cloud and reaches the land looking like an enormous column of air which twists with the great speed ruining everything on its way. A tornado differs from other similar natural phenomena (whirlwinds, dust-devils, etc) with the fact that it occurs in…Read More

Term Paper on Telecom Industry

Telecom Industry Term Paper: Telecom industry is the industry which covers numerous fields of the usage of telecommunications. It is obvious that nowadays telecommunication plays the major role in the human life, because the modern civilization is associated with the age of information and technology. People exchange information with the help of telecommunications and it…Read More

Term Paper on Social Movements

Term Paper on Social Movements: A social movement is the type of the collective and public unities, the attention and activity of which is focused on the direct political and social issues. Social movements are also the organized and controlled collective efforts which are aimed at the certain social changes. The modern Western social movements…Read More