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My Priorities in Life and Why Essay


choice of a pharmaceutical career was in no way arbitrary. In contrast, it is the logical outcome of my past experiences. They helped me set my academic priorities that in turn directed me toward my future career.

As often happens, one incentive to choose a career in pharmacy was a family episode. When my father was young and just married my mother, he underwent a treatment for a common flu. A doctor had prescribed him a course of antibiotics, but when he went to see her again, he found out that she herself had fallen sick, so he was redirected to another doctor. This one did not display much attention to a temporary patient and prescribed a different drug, forgetting to ask if my father continued with his previous medication. My father is an engineer and in no way a medical expert.

When he bought his second antibiotic, the pharmacist did not ask him any questions. So he took both at one time, which in his case produced awful allergy. He nearly died and was taken to hospital in an ambulance. From this case, I have an inherited allergy to this line of antibiotics and a sharpened understanding of how important drugs can be in human lives. I also realized that a pharmacist can play an important role in saving people from this kind of trouble.

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My other academic priority was the interest in natural sciences that I developed in high school. I have for a long time been fascinated with the makeup of the human body and its beauty and inner logic. This made the study of anatomy easy and enjoyable and motivated me to search for new information on my own. My interest in chemistry was also strong as I found in the chemical reactions yet another proof of how logically and beautifully the world is structured. I really loved to perform experiments; equally intriguing were the attempts to break down what happened in those experiments in a logical and coherent manner, jotting them down in chemical formulas.

When I started reading on my own, I became especially interested in challenging problems pharmaceutical science faces today. I took a special interest in research concerning the invention of anti-AIDS drugs, those that can support patients with this disease and a vaccine that can free people from this plague of our century. Getting an education in this field, I hope to accumulate expertise that would allow me to make a contribution to this research and help millions of people around the world.

AIDS is depopulating whole areas in Africa and other places, and I believe that pharmaceutical research has the greatest power to remove the threat.

On my part, I hope to become an able professional who will turn everything learned in school to the benefit of humanity, helping a lot of individuals. I believe that with my passion for natural sciences and aptitude for this field, I will realize my potential to make a difference in this profession. My aspirations grounded in both personal experience and literature review can become reality, and I am willing to apply effort for their realization.
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