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Reflective Assignment Essay Sample


The group discussion focused on building effective teams, particularly how managers can create a high-performance environment by building effective teams. Only two themes are highlighted in this chapter. These include team development and culture. The chapter focuses on championing the professional development of the worker and the creation of a culture that supports the professionals.

Our discussion focused on one aspect, team management, specifically how a manager can bring out the best in teams. Van den Bossche et al (2011) discuss how ordinary workers can be matched to create high performance teamsto undertake day-to-day duties. Essentially, an organization has to develop a culture that supports teamwork as the workers learn for the entity to grow. Van den Bossche et al (2011) base their findings on research carried out by Stonaker and Tienken. The report focuses on the work system culture of teams that offers opportunities for promoting professional learning opportunities.

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Whelan (2014) states that people learn best when they are in teams whose members have mutual respect, personal interactions, group communication, and community participation. Leaman, Stevenson, and Bordass (2010) discuss the culture that supports a team and increases its capability. The authors mention five conditions that are essential when it comes to the supportive culture and encouraging team development. The outlined factors include feasibility, goals, experience, encouragement, and peer support. Feasibility focuses on team progress, which is aimed at a particular goal. The goals are significant since they prevent time wastage. Encouragement from supervisor and peer supports improve a team’s experiences enabling it to succeed past the set goals.

Whetten and Cameron (2014) discusses the theories used to explain how teams learn. The team learning approach, which focuses on two pillars, self-directed learning and andragogy, is crucial since the approach explains team learning in-depth. The authors also explore the differences between how individuals in teams learn. One of the disparities highlighted in the discussion is that team learning centers on professional development while individual learning does not.

The principles of team learning show the differences in how individuals in teams learn. One of the principle issues is self-direction since team members must have the desire to learn without motivation. Gilley et al. (2010) argue that teams are likely to seek knowledge based on their situations and experiences in life. Additionally, team members usually have different levels of learning. The social aspects linked to team learning are also widely discussed and they focus on group learning instead of self-learning. Gilley et al. (2010) also provide information on team members being supported as learners. Team learning is also linked to experience of the team members and it is regarded as one of the potent sources of knowledge. The authors also offer a glimpse of the relationship that exists between team learning and motivation. They state that learning opportunities rely on the needs of the members of the team. Furthermore, they base this information on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which features seven stages, including intellectual achievement, self-actualization, basic survival, self-esteem, aesthetic appreciation, sense of belonging, and emotional and physical safety (Gilley et al, 2010). The authentication of team learning which will feature motivation, ownership, reflection, collaboration, appropriateness, structure and internalization

The management structure employed at the company in the achievement of its operational success is a hierarchical management style. The various managers at different levels of the company have well-disputed obligations. The firm has an integrated management structure with six distinct managerial job categories. Each level of management structure provides well-stipulated tasks on decision-making, planning, operation performance, and execution. The management structure is therefore very instrumental in the implementation of the organization strategy. The following quid line provides the basis for which decision making in budgeting is affected. The research analyst in the operations of the business is responsible for the application of analytical methods in the enhancement of decision making across the supply chain. This is crucial for the company as it plays an essential role in budgeting and making of other financial arrangements of the company. The budgeting evaluations of the company, therefore, take into consideration the data visualization tools and the statistical analysis of the financial position of the firm. These financial budgeting decisions are, therefore, made with the involvement of managers of the company. These include the supply chain Analytics manager at the Company. The financial and budgeting decisions are made in the company through the incorporation of various ideas from the departments of the Company. The integration of these varied ideas will be essential in arriving at the best financial decision at a company.

The objective that the discussion has established is team management. The concept focuses on building a culture that can help the team to grow professionally. It is also based on change that can lead to professional development. The last section of the discussion centers on team learning, which is aimed at professional development. The themes established in seventh chapter focus on team development when it comes to both the leader and worker. The culture mentioned in the chapter can be combined with the other chapters since a culture that promotes change can lead the team to develop professionally.

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Leaman, A., Stevenson, F., &Bordass, B. (2010). Building evaluation: practice and principles. Building Research & Information, 38(5), 564-577.
Whetten, D., & Cameron, K. (2014). Developing Management Skills: Global Edition. Pearson Higher Ed.
Gilley, J. W., Morris, M. L., Waite, A. M., Coates, T., &Veliquette, A. (2010). Integrated theoretical model for building effective teams. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 12(1), 7-28.
Van den Bossche, P., Gijselaers, W., Segers, M., Woltjer, G., & Kirschner, P. (2011). Team learning: building shared mental models. Instructional Science, 39(3), 283-301.
Wheelan, S. A. (2014). Creating effective teams: A guide for members and leaders. Sage Publications.

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