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Term papers

Teenage Rebellion Term Paper

Teenage Rebellion Term Paper: Teenage rebellion is the period of the development of the human being, which is based on the desire to be independent and oppose to the general social norms. Teenagers have always been difficult children for their parents, because they try to find themselves and their behavior is often negative and the…Read More

Watergate Term Paper

Watergate Term Paper: Watergate is the name of the political scandal which occurred in the USA in 1972 – 1974 and finished with the resignation of President Richard Nixon. It is the first and the last case in the history of the USA when the president resigned his post. The Watergate scandal started on June…Read More

Vandalism Term Paper

Vandalism Term Paper: Vandalism is one of the forms of the destructive deviant forms of behaviour of a human being, which ends with the destruction or pollution of the masterpieces of art and culture and all sorts of property (public, private, etc). There are also explanations which define vandalism as the state of the human…Read More

SWOT Analysis Term Paper

SWOT Analysis Term Paper: SWOT analysis is the method of the strategic planning, which studies the influence of the internal and outer factors on the work on an organization. The acronym SWOT is deciphered easily and means Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The first two indicators (strengths and weaknesses) are regarded as the internal factors…Read More

Greek Mythology Term Paper

Greek Mythology Term Paper: Greek mythology is the part of the culture of the ancient Greece, which influenced the culture and the art of the whole world and introduced numerous religious texts about people, heroes and gods. The Greek mythology finds its beginning in more than 2000 thousand years BC when the ancient civilization of…Read More

Tips for Writing a College Term Paper

Tips for Writing a College Term Paper: A college term paper is a serious problem for every student, because they have little writing experience and require extra help of an expert. A good term paper for college should explain the problem of the paper in detail and demonstrate student’s knowledge and critical thinking skills required…Read More

Young Goodman Brown Term Paper

Young Goodman Brown Term Paper: ‘Young Goodman Brown’ is a short story written 1835 by Nathaniel Hawthorne, who was the American writer. The writer decided to touch upon one of the most important and relevant topics – the problem of faith. In fact the problem is deeper, because Hawthorne tried to illustrate the hypocrisy of…Read More

20th Century History Term Paper

20th Century History Term Paper: The 20th century is an extremely important and interesting periods in the human history. The century was extremely rich in events, inventions and the improvement of the structure of the human civilization. The 20th century is based on the achievements and accumulated knowledge of the previous times. The century introduced…Read More

Attachment Theory Term Paper

Attachment Theory Term Paper: Attachment theory illustrates the dynamics of the long-term human relations. The most important point of the attachment theory is the fact that a child requires a caretaker for the normal social and emotional development. The theory also describes how the relations of parents and a child influence psychological condition of the…Read More

Professional Development Term Paper

Professional Development Term Paper: Professional development is the process of the improvement of the skills required for the fulfillment of the certain type of job. Every profession requires special knowledge and skills in order to cope with the tasks well and it is obvious that one can not possess all these skills from the very…Read More