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Essay on Career Objectives


on Career Objectives:

When you are in doubt, what is the right direction to develop your career, and do not have a clear idea of what you want to achieve in the future, you risk spending a lot of time wandering around in search of disembodied self. It is time to set your career objectives and start a meaningful career development towards implementation of the desired reality.

In fact, the realization of your own true desires can be the most difficult part of the process of choosing career objectives. However, this step cannot be avoided or left “for later,” as it is a key.

In certain periods of his career, most people, even the most successful, were not sure whether they are making a right choice and move to the correct target.

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Temporary doubts often arise when we have to face significant obstacles in the way, but then they pass. Those, whose doubts would not pass for a long time, are in a much more difficult situation. In any case, such doubts are a signal that it is time to rethink your values ??and goals.

Career objectives setting is like travel planning. You are developing a route from the point where you are now, to the point where you would like to be. If you do not know exactly where you are going, how will you get there?

In setting the objectives, the clarity of wording is critical. For example, the objective “to obtain additional management education” is too vague. What is this education, where and when you want to get it? Specify more clearly the goal, for example, “get a second degree in management specialization in five years.”

One way to move forward is… to move back. Can you reach your goal today? If not, why not? What should you do first? Do I need to do something before? Ask yourself these questions as long as you will clearly see the task that you can do today. For example, you decide you want to get an MBA. Can you do that today? No, you first need to enroll on the course. Can you enroll today? No, you need to chose which school would like to attend, etc. Do not be dismayed if your list turns into a few.

After receiving several lists, each of which is a major task divided into several specific steps, create a unified plan of action for a week or daily. List the tasks in the order in which they should be done. And do not delay the execution, do not waste your time, proceed to make your dreams come true as soon as possible.

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