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Term papers

Term Paper on Balanced Diet

Balanced Diet Term Paper: A balanced diet is the wise personal management of consumption of food for the maintenance of one’s health. The problem of a balanced diet is very old and dates back to the earliest civilizations which worked out their special cuisines containing just the enough amounts of microelements required for the human…Read More

Term Paper on Biosensors

Biosensors Term Paper: Biosensors are the analytical devices which serve for the identification of the biochemical components in the human organs, tissues and cells. In biosensors the biological component is connected with the physical-chemical transducer. Every biosensor consists of three elements which maintain its work. The first one is the sensitive biological element – this…Read More

Term Paper on Conflict Theory

Conflict Theory Term Paper: Conflict theory is the theoretical explanation of the cause of a conflict. Nowadays conflicts are the target of the research in the field of sociology, though the first tries to explain the sources of conflicts were noticed hundreds of years ago. There were theories observing a human society as a single…Read More

Bioterrorism Term Paper

Term Paper on Bioterrorism: Bioterrorism is the form of terrorism which is characterized with the release or spread of the biological agents – viruses, bacteria and toxins with the purpose of use of them as a biological weapon. Biological weapon is the weapon of mass destruction, which exists in the form of the special ammunition…Read More

Term Paper on Aristotle

Aristotle Term Paper: Aristotle is the world famous Greek philosopher, scholar and logician who provided Western civilization with the foundation of European philosophic thought. He is also known to be the founder of the traditional logic which exists till modern times. The philosopher can be also called a pedagogue, because he is famous for tutoring…Read More

Biostatistics Term Paper

Term Paper on Biostatistics: Biostatistics is a branch of mathematical statistics which is applied for the processing of the results of the biological experiments. The basis of biometrics is probability theory and all the results achieved in this way are processes in the mathematical way. With the help of biostatistics it is possible to define…Read More

Term Paper on Biogas

Biogas Term Paper: Biogas is the type of biofuel or the gas which is produced during the microbiological breakdown (anaerobic digestion under the effect of the activity of several types of bacteria) of biological wastes, biomass, solid and liquid wastes at landfills, swamps, sewerage and dumps. Biogas is also produced from the wastes of farming,…Read More

Term Paper on Cognitive Radio

Cognitive Radio Term Paper: Cognitive radio is a radio system which is able to receive information about the peculiarities of its own exploitation and to correct the parameters of its work on the basis of this data. Cognitive radio is not a separate service of radio communication, because it can be used as a technology…Read More

Term Paper on Managerial Psychology

Managerial Psychology Term Paper: Managerial psychology is the discipline which is aimed at the study of the peculiarities of management from the point of view of psychology. Naturally, every manager or the leader of the team of employees has to possess profound knowledge on the human psychology and the peculiarities of communication and resolution of…Read More

Memory Management Term Paper

Term Paper on Memory Management: Memory management is the part of the computer program (application software or operating system) which is aimed at the management of the computer memory. For example, when the computer requires memory to fulfil certain operations, the processes of memory management provides the computer with the free place on computer data…Read More