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Term papers

Term Paper on Carbon Pricing

Carbon Pricing Term Paper: Carbon pricing is the policy which is supposed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions with the help of setting the special taxes on the polluters. The most common categories of polluters are the owners of plants and factories, automobiles, buses, aircraft, etc. Nowadays air pollution and the related process of global warming…Read More

Term Paper on Data Warehousing

Data Warehousing Term Paper: Data warehousing is the process of collecting integral, stable and up-to-date data which can maintain chronology and can be a complex source of the reliable information for the operational analysis and decision making. In the core of the concept of data warehousing stands the distribution of the information which used in…Read More

Term Paper on Respect

Term Paper about Respect: Respect is an abstract social category, which reflects the evaluation of the feeling of dignity, superiority, greater perfection of that person, towards which this feeling is addressed. Respect is based on the recognition of the superior qualities of an object or individual towards which this evaluation is applied. The category of…Read More

Term Paper on Value Added Statement

Value Added Statement Term Paper: Value added statement is the statement which reflects the profit and expenditures of the company for the reflection of its position on the market and role in the national economics. Every company which wants to learn about its profit and loss is supposed to organize a quality value added statement,…Read More

Term Paper on Walt Disney

Walt Disney Term Paper: Walt Disney is the American cartoonist, illustrator, director, scriptwriter, actor and conductor and the founder of the company Walt Disney Productions, which has transformed into the media imperia known as The Walt Disney Company. Walt Disney is the creator of the first in the human history cartoon with sound, the first…Read More

Water Conservation Term Paper

Term Paper on Water Conservation: Water conservation is the process of the rational use of the water resources with the purpose to save them. It does not worth mentioning that water is the most valuable resource on the planet, because without water one would not survive even a few days. Of course, the problem of…Read More

Term Paper on Random Access Methods

Random Access Methods Term Paper: Random access in computer science is the opportunity of getting access to the required data in the easy random way. This means that one does not have to pass through all the points from A to Z when he wants to get access towards Z, like in the sequential access.…Read More

Term Paper on Romanticism

Romanticism Term Paper: Romanticism is the intellectual movement in literature and visual arts which had its birth in Germany, Great Britain and France in the second half of the 18th century and appeared in Russia, Austria and Poland in the first half of the 19th century and in the middle of the 19th century got…Read More

Term Paper on Salvation

Salvation Term Paper: Salvation in Christianity, according to the Bible, is the saving of the human being and the whole humanity from sin and its consequences. In Christianity salvation is also the action of the undeserved love of God to people. The concept of salvation is based on the Christian belief in the fall on…Read More

Term Paper on Water Harvesting

Water Harvesting Term Paper: Water harvesting is the process of the accumulation of water for the further use in various spheres of the human life. The most frequent type of water which is accumulated is the rainwater. Rain is an extremely useful and costless source of water which can be used in agriculture and domestic…Read More