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Term papers

Term Paper on Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou Term Paper: Maya Angelou is the American writer and poetess whose writing activity was on its top in the second half of the 20th century. Among the literary heritage of the author one can find seven autobiographies, five books of essays and several books of poetry. Her name is noted among the most…Read More

Term Paper on Mentoring

Mentoring Term Paper: Mentoring is one of the methods of training and development of employees by the more experienced and well-trained one. The process of mentoring is supposed to be very effective, because it is based on the natural social relations when the mature person shares her knowledge and experience with the younger amateur. Mentoring…Read More

Term Paper on Asian Paints

Asian Paints Term Paper: Asian Paints is the chemicals company the headquarters of which are located in Mumbai in India. The company is supposed to be the first largest manufacturer of paints and various types of other chemicals in India and the third largest and developed company in Asia. Asian Paints is one of the…Read More

Term Paper on Abortion Rights

Abortion Rights Term Paper: Abortion is the action of characterized with the woman’s decision to stop her pregnancy. The attitude towards abortion is quite controversial, because there are supporters and kin opponents against this action. In the majority of countries abortion is illegal, because the human life is the biggest treasure in the world, though…Read More

Term Paper on Air Conditioner

Air Conditioner Term Paper: Air conditioner is the device which is used to maintain all the major qualities of air (temperature and humidity) indoors and provide people with the most convenient atmosphere appropriate for live, education, work, etc. Air conditioning is used for various purposes. The most important one is the artificial maintenance of the…Read More

Term Paper on Application of Analog Modulation Techniques

Application of Analog Modulation Techniques Term Paper: Modulation in physics is the time alteration of the chosen properties of the regular physical processes. The practical application of modulation is the overlay of the low-frequency information signal on high-frequency signal carrier for the long-distance transmission. In order to transmit signal on long distances, they require much…Read More

Term Paper on Teenage Smoking

Teenage Smoking Term Paper: Teenage smoking is the relevant problem all over the world, because adolescents in developed and developing countries start smoking in the same massive way. It is obvious that teenage smoking was extremely widespread in 1990s and nowadays its rating has been declining gradually due to many factors. There are several reasons…Read More

V for Vendetta Term Paper

Term Paper on V for Vendetta: V for Vendetta is a set of comics consisting of 10 issues written by Alan Moore in 1982-1989. The comics were illustrated by David Lloyd. The action takes place in dystopian Great Britain of 1980-1990s. The key character of the graphic novel is the revolutionist who calls himself V…Read More

Term Paper about Teenage Marriage

Teenage Marriage Term Paper: Teenage marriage is the marriage between the young people who have not reached to the age of 18. Teenage marriage is an ancient phenomenon which has existed for centuries and this problem has its cultural and religious background. It is obvious that the problem can be observed from various points of…Read More

Term Paper on UML

UML Term Paper: The Unified Modeling Language is the unified language of modeling applied in the object-oriented programming paradigm. It is the integral part of the unified process of software creation. UML is a language of broad profile; it is an open standard which uses graphic signs for the creation of the abstract model of…Read More