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Term papers

Term Paper on Atomic Bomb

Atomic Bomb Term Paper: Atomic bomb is the weapon of mass destruction, which is based on the use of the nuclear energy. Atomic bombs are supposed to be the most powerful and serious types of weapon according to their destructive power and the area of their functioning. Everything in the area of the explosion (approximately…Read More

Term Paper on 1920s

Term Paper on the 1920’s: 1920s is the period in the human history which lasted from 1920 to 1929 and is generally characterized with the economic prosperity of the Western civilization. After World War I the world experienced peace and economic growth, especially the US, Canada and Western Europe. The only exception was the Weimar…Read More

Term Paper on Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi Term Paper: Wi-Fi is the trademark which belongs to Wi-Fi Alliance. Moreover, it is the common name of the standard of the wireless (radio) connection of data transition which embraces several protocols and is based on the family of the standards of Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. The most well-known protocol nowadays is…Read More

Term Paper on Telecommunication

Telecommunication Term Paper: Telecommunications is the process of transmission of signals, signs, written text, images and sound or messages of all types with the help of the wire, wireless, radio, optical, electromagnetic and other ways. Telecommunication is quite a broad sphere which can be divided into the narrower branches: telephone communications, radio communication, television communication…Read More

Term Paper on Tattoos

Tattoos Term Paper: A tattoo is the image on the human skin and the procedure of its making. Tattoos are not drawn on the surface of the skin, but the special ink is inserted into the skin layer (dermis), and the ink changes the pigment of the skin. The word “tattoo” has Polynesian origin and…Read More

Free Term Papers or Custom Term Papers?

Student’s attitude towards a term paper is most often negative because the assignment is always big and requires student’s attention and writing skills. It is obvious that the young professional is not always able to complete the whole assignment himself, because has much other work to do. Students have to write essays, case studies, etc…Read More

Term Paper on Waste Management

Waste Management Term Paper: Waste management is the process of the utilization, recycling, storage and treatment of solid and other wastes in order to prevent their negative impact on the human health and the condition of the natural environment and possible use of the waste materials which can be reused. Waste management is one of…Read More

Real Estate Term Paper

Term Paper on Real Estate: Real estate is the territory which belongs to an individual and the latter is able to use it and its resources in the way he wants. According to the laws of the US real estate is the area and the natural resources which can be found there, though in the…Read More

Term Paper on Separation of Church and State

The Separation of Church and State Term Paper: Separation of church and state is the form of the government of the country which is characterised with the total independence of church and political activity of the country. Till the beginning of the 20th century church influenced the politics of the country in Europe seriously. Any…Read More

Term Paper on Oil Spillage

Oil Spillage Term Paper: Oil spillage is the accident associated with pouring of oil into the natural environment, mainly open sea and ocean. Oil spillage is closely connected with the accidents of tankers, wells of oil, offshore platforms, the pouring of oil and its products into the ocean, etc. The solution of the problem of…Read More