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Essay on Ecocriticism

Essay Writing on Ecocriticism: Studies of the literature and the environment in recent decades have led to creating in the U.S. and the EU a school of literary criticism, the Ecocriticism, dedicated to the representation of nature in literary works. Ecocriticism is a new field that breaks with the traditional of the separation between science…Read More

Essay on Falling in Love

Falling in Love Essay: Everybody know such an intense emotion of affection as the feeling of falling in love is. Psychologists believe that this state of mind can lead to misjudgment of the object of affection because it is accompanied by a narrowing of consciousness. Errors of others can be overlooked or seen as particularly…Read More

Sample Essay on Symbolism

Symbolism Essay Sample: Symbolism was a literary and artistic current that in 1880 -90s was developed in France and then became popular in other countries. The French symbolists are considered predecessors of decadence movement – the artists of the late 1800s, who wanted to rid the literature of social morality and utilitarianism. The symbolism was…Read More

Hepatitis C Essay

Essay on Hep. C: Introduction Caused by hepatitis C virus (HCV) as the primary causal agent, hepatitis C is a highly infectious viral disease. Primarily, this viral infection affects the liver, and it is mainly through intravenous drug use that blood to blood contact takes place, leading to the spread of HCV. The infectivity of…Read More

Essay on Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Lifestyle Essay Writing: Representatives of philosophical and sociological trend consider healthy lifestyle as a global social aspect, an integral part of society in general. In psycho-pedagogical direction, healthy lifestyle is considered from the point of view of consciousness, human psychology, and motivation. There are other points of view on a healthy lifestyle, according to…Read More

Essay on Harlem Renaissance

Harlem Renaissance Essay: Harlem Renaissance is a revival movement of African-American culture in the Interwar period. Its birthplace and home are the neighborhood of Harlem, in New York. This excitement extends over many areas of creativity, the Arts as photography, music, or painting, but it is mainly the literature that is considered the most remarkable…Read More

Essay on Banning Tobacco

Banning Tobacco Essay: People around the world quit smoking still more often. In a few countries there is active lax on banning tobacco. However, in some others smokers are not going to surrender and claim that any bans violate their rights. Why do they think so? The cause of that is common myths about the…Read More

Abstinence vs Comprehensive Education Essay

Today, there are two ways of how modern school looks at the problem of sexuality education. From one point there is a concept of comprehensive education, which regards transmission of the knowledge on sexuality and from other there is a concept of abstinence, which assumes that there is a strong need in creating an environment…Read More

The Sorrows and Joys of Life Essay

Emotions are what we call our sorrows and joys of life. We often perceive them as mysterious genie that must be kept in the bottle. Without them, we would perceive reality adequately, efficiently and… boring, lifeless. Emotions are exactly what distinguish human intelligence from artificial. The term “emotion” (from the Latin. Emovere – excite, arouse)…Read More

Essay on Obama Health Care

Obama Health Care Reform Essay: U.S. Supreme Court has adjudicated President Barack Obama’s major reform in office – health care reform – constitutional. Obama called the decision “a victory for all Americans,” while his chief opponent for the Republican presidential race, Mitt Romney has promised to repeal the law if elected. The main claims of…Read More